Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My trip to see my friend, Dr. Chris

Today I went to Union with Mom to see my new friend, Dr. Chris Landrum. Or at least he was my friend when we got done. I got weighed - 44.3 pounds in my girlish figure. Then came the part I didn't like too much - a needle in my leg to check to see if I have heartworms. I know about worms - Mom and Dad's son, Bart, uses them to fish and I think that they are pretty gross because you can't eat them. (But the fish like them!) Then our came my stitches in my belly - now I don't have to worry about having any little puppies (even though they would be beautiful like me.) Dr. Chris thought that he could give me a treat after all that, but no thanks - not after all that! I also got my heartworm medicine - it tastes yummy!
Mom says that all dogs and cats should be spayed and neutered, and I agree. After all, that leaves more dog treats for me!
If you would like to visit my friend, Dr. Chris and his wife Dr. Julie, you can see them at the Animal Clinic of Union. Their telephone number is 636-583-5546. I know that you will like them, too!

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